1993年被《洛杉磯時報》稱為「奇跡」的事。這件奇蹟就是一棟位於南加州的房子在大火焚燒了近七百棟房子,高達十八萬八千畝的地全成焦炭之後,它不但沒被燒掉,依然豎立在那兒,而且最大的破壞僅是兩塊破掉的玻璃窗。 ●一張圖,證明仙佛確實存在,因果報應真實不虛

[日期:2016-11-11] 作者:秦太太
◎仙佛不捨眾生 -- 姚姐的修辦故事
悟見寫 180428
[日期:2017-05-05] 作者:基礎忠恕 瑞周天達單位提供
The story of the Blessed Virgin Mary aiding TAO
My name is Imelda Liu, born in 1966 at the Cotabato City of the Mindanao Island in Philippine. My father has Chinese origin, his surname is Liu . My mother is a very pious Catholic, consequently all of the children follow her belief in Catholicism. I have an eldest brother, an elder sister, a twin sister, and three other younger sisters, a total of seven children.
Here, I’d like to share with everyone the preciousness of Tao, to testify that we can enter the door of heaven after receiving Tao. Moreover, to share with you the story that how a young, rebellious Catholic girl who took life lightly and never heard of Buddhism, was guided by my twin sister and the merciful, adored Blessed Virgin Mary to understand that Ji-Gong Buddha is the present Enlightening Teacher who carries the Heavenly Mandate to rescue the Three Worlds and that the Blessed Virgin Mary has helped me directly, step by step on my journey of cultivating Tao.
Here, with my grateful heart, I’d like to testify in my personal experience, that Tao is true, the Teachings are true and the Heavenly Mandate is true. I also hope that all Tao families can carry through firmly to the end in spite of all challenges on the path of cultivation. This is really the way back to heaven, the greatest opportunity to break away for re-incarnation, and please have no doubts. And I hope I won’t disappoint my twin sister’s wish for me to continue my cultivation, so that she can also receiving Tao and escape from re-incarnation; this is what she looks forward to the most.
鑾生姐妹花Twin Sister
I was born as twins and we looked exactly the same. My twin sister is called IMelda the First, and I’m IMelda the Second. There’s a string of nevus that forms a necklace on my twin sister’s neck, and the pendant is a crucifix also formed by nevus. This is the distinct difference between our appearances thus used to distinguish who is elder and who is younger. My twin sister wasn’t healthy when she was born and has been seeing doctors since her childhood. She was told to have vegetarian diet instead of meat diet, so the whole family goes onto vegetarian diet with her altogether.
My twin sister is very kind-hearted, very different from me. Because of my mother’s nurturing, she’s also very pious to God and has always wanted to be a nun. She likes helping others, and adopts 32 orphans alone after growing up. But I am very naughty, and don’t like going to church. Every time when she takes me to the church, I always do something strange to annoy those nuns so that I don’t have to go and worship. Sometimes, while others are praying, I would turn around the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary to face wall. Thus, when everybody opens their eyes, they would laugh. Sometimes, I would draw a black necklace on my neck so that people can’t tell who is who.
Our whole family all has vegetarian diet, but I do not. All of the children listen to my parents, except me; no one can be in charge of me.
殉志Sacrifice life for aspiration
I don’t know if my twin sister sacrificed for Tao, but I’m sure she sacrificed for aspiration.
At the age of eighteen, the day prior to her becoming a nun officially, the school held a graduation trip for all graduated student so they decide to go in the beach but the beach is near where the children stay so she ask her friend to go with her to bring food for the children. However, when the wooden boat reached the middle of the river, her classmate accidentally felled into the river. My twin sister forgot that she couldn’t swim and tried to save her classmate regardless of personal safety. Soon, the classmate was saved by her, but she was drowned to death. The graduation ceremony becomes her funeral.
She aspires to become a nun, serving the suffering children of God, but she’s unable to make her wish fulfilled. Later on, the church still recognizes her as a nun in order to fulfill her wishes.
車禍,重生 Car accident, Re-birth
After my twin sister passed away, I am as stubborn as usual. I love having fun. After graduated from university, I teach mathematics in high school. I like going out with friends during my free time.
One day, we had a car accident when I was traveling with friends. There were eight of us, six died on the spot, another friend and I sustained severe injuries and we were rushed to hospital. Soon, that friend passed away in the hospital, only I survived. My mother cried a lot as soon as she knew about this and came to the hospital to look after me. She told me to believe in Virgin Mary and Jesus. My head injury was very severe, yet I was still very obstinate and said: “unless the Blessed Virgin Mary tells me in person, otherwise I won’t believe.”
I don’t intend to challenge God, I just think that the statue is made of mud and there’s nothing worth of believing.
Yet, out of my expectation, I couldn’t believe that God would show its mercy upon me. Virgin Mary seemed to hear my voice, she really came. That day, a line of light was shot from the roof of my ward and then, I saw Virgin Mary coming down slowly from the sky. She wears a white dress with extraordinary beauty and looks very solemn. There’s a red heart radiating on her chest with a crucifix on the heart. It’s so beautiful and merciful (looks very similar to Guan-Yin Bodhisattva). She said to me: “Child, I know that you only want to believe in God unless I come to speak to u directly. Did you know? Your life was saved by your twin sister and me!” I felt a sense of anger and replied: “You’re so selfish! Why didn’t you save my friends but only me?” The Blessed Virgin Mary said: “Your friends are destined to go, yet you have many special missions to accomplish. God gives you a chance to live again, so from now on you must repent and continue the work of your sister.”
Continue the work of my sister? No way! I replied: “My sister is a nun and takes vegetarian diet only. I don’t want to be like her!” Soon, I saw my sister coming and she said to me: “You must continue my work and help raising those orphans.” I replied: “Raising them is no problem, but I don’t want to be a nun or have vegetarian diet.”
Then, both Virgin Mary and my sister said a lot to me. After they left, I recovered very quickly. Afterwards, I applied to work overseas and resigned from teaching in order to raise those orphans.
The first trip abroad, I worked in Malaysia for two years. After that, I worked in Saudi Arabia for another two years. I sent a portion of the income back home, and allocated some income to cover the cost of bringing up the orphans. I didn’t visit Taiwan until 1994
求道 Receiving Tao
When I firstly came to Taiwan, I was working in the home of Tao Transmitter Ms. Huang (she hasn’t accepted the Heavenly Mandate at that time). Their family is a traditional Chinese family with three generations living under the same roof. The house is huge and so is the family. I was frightened when I saw this big family and thought to myself this would definitely be an exhausting job.
Therefore, I informed my agent and requested to serve another family. My agent told me to try first and if it really turns out unsuitable, he would help me. Some time later, however, I felt I like this family very much, so I stayed.
In the beginning, I wasn’t very talkative. Slowly I started to communicate with Tao Transmitter Huang after getting familiar with them. I noticed that she was always busy, often not at home, and usually came home very late. One day, I couldn't help asking her: “Why do you go out every night, come home so late, do you go dancing?” She laughed and replied: “I can not dance!” But I do not believe her. In Philippine, young people all like dancing. I said: “When you go dancing, can you bring me?” She replied: “I really didn’t go dancing, I just go to temple.” Then, she began to tell me about Ji-Gong Buddha, receiving Tao, the Three Treasures, and the like. I felt it was boring for a young person to talk about these things and said to her: “How could a young person do such boring things. I don’t believe you”. Thus she replied: “If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you someday.”
One day, a temple was established in Lai’s family in Taichung, she really took me to receive Tao. Till that moment, I could only believe that she was really doing such boring things. After receiving Tao, she taught me to practice worshiping and offering incense. Three days of continuous worshiping, at 5:30 every morning the Blessed Virgin Mary came to my door and said to me: “You have changed.” I felt frightened and thought that it must be because I changed my religious belief. So on the fourth morning I said to Tao Transmitter Huang: “You can worship on your own. You can believe in your Buddha, but don't ask me to believe. I am a Catholic, I worship to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are different, we go on our separate ways, and don't ask me to come again.” She replied: “What happened?” So I told her what Virgin Mary said to me. She then requested for instructions from Tao Transmitter Tai-Shan Li, who replied: “Sages of the Five Religions understands the preciousness of Tao. They only help our Enlightening Teacher to propagate Tao and won’t stop people from cultivating Tao. Try to learn Tao again!”
那一段時間,打死我,我也不去佛堂。過幾天,我媽媽突然來電話,她說我阿姨發生車禍,被車子撞死了。我聽到很難過。隔天,換我姊姊打電話來了, 說有人從沙烏地阿拉伯打電話到菲律賓,說我哥哥在沙烏地阿拉伯的公司被人用炸彈整個炸毀了,所有的人都死掉了。天啊!真是禍不單行。我聽到以後,就開始哭,哭得很傷心。我說,我一定要回去!不然,媽媽一定受不了這個打擊。
During that time, I wouldn’t go to temple no matter what. In a few days, my mother suddenly called. She said that my auntie had a car accident and she passed away. I felt very sad. The next day my elder sister called and said that someone made a phone call from Saudi Arabia to Philippine stating that my brother’s company in Saudi Arabia was boomed and no one survived. My God! Misfortunes really never come singly. I started to cry very sadly. I said to myself that I must go back home! Otherwise, mother certainly can’t endure these alone.
Tao Transmitter Huang comforted me and said: “Go and take some rests. You can go back tomorrow, please don’t be too sad.” That night, I couldn’t stop crying and I began to blame God and Virgin Mary.
Five o'clock in the next morning when I was still sleeping, the Blessed Virgin Mary woke me and said to me mercifully: “Child, I know that you blame me for not saving your brother. I tell you, your brother is not dead. I’ve already sent your twin sister to contact your brother and inform him to go back to Philippine and have those orphans adopted by wealthier families. Your brother already called home last night. He arrives Manila on Friday and you family will meet him at the airport. If you do not believe me, you can call back and confirm---“ I didn’t really know how to describe my happiness after hearing such wonderful news. And then, the Blessed Virgin Mary shared with me a lot of Gospels and teachings of personal conduct as a righteous human being. Until 5:45, she said it's her time to go.
Before leaving, I asked her: “Virgin Mary! Can you answer a question for me? Why is it that you came to see me every morning and said that I’ve changed after I have received Tao and started to learn offering incenses. Is it because I changed my religious belief?”
The Blessed Virgin Mary suddenly smiled and said to me: “I say that you’ve changed, because you’ve become better.”
Oh! I am so glad after hearing that because my anxiousness has been comforted. I then asked: “Can I continue to learn Tao?”
She replied mercifully: “You must continue firmly in learning and propagating Tao.” Immediately she said to me: “I want you to bring Chin-Yi (Tao Transmitter Huang) to my church, and I want to make affinity with her.”
In the past, I once asked Tao Transmitter Huang whether she knew about any church at all. However, she only knows where the temple is but not the church. So I replied: “But Chin-Yi doesn’t know where the church is!”
The Blessed Virgin Mary smiled and said: 'It’s alright! I will help her, and let her know where the church is.” Yet, I thought that if I told Chin-Yi that the Blessed Virgin Mary wants to make affinity with her, she would think I’m talking nonsense and pay no attention to me. This would be very embarrassing! So I said: “If I tell Chin-Yi what you said to me, she would feel that I’m crazy and talking nonsense and she won’t believe in me. Please speak to her directly! Only so she would believe.”
She looked at me and said: “Rest assured. She will believe what you say. And I, in the future, will speak to her in person, but it’s not now. The affinity for us to meet hasn’t come yet. After you arrive to the church, you light three candles, and she lights one candle. This will be the first affinity between me and Chin-Yi.”
Nodding, I agreed. Virgin Mary continued to say some things to me and then she left.
I wasn’t unable to hold on my anxiety and suspect whether what Virgin Mary told me is true or not. I hasted to knock on Tao Transmitter Huang’s door and ask her to help me call home in Manila. I couldn’t believe that everything is exactly the same as what Virgin Mary told me. My brother was alright, and he already called home last night. He would arrive home on Friday and my family would go to the airport to meet him. Everything said by the Blessed Virgin Mary really came true.
Since then, I began to return to the days of worshipping and offering incenses.
求道入天國之門 enter the door of Heaven by receiving Tao
一天, 晚上十點多,我肚子好痛好痛,從來沒有這麼痛過,我又去敲黃點傳師的門,問她有沒有胃藥。她給了我一包大正胃腸藥,就回房了。
One day, over ten o'clock at night, I had a very severe stomachache and it’s never been so bad before. I knocked on Tao Transmitter Huang’s door again and asked for some medicine. I returned my room after she gave me a pack of stomachache medicine.
I took the medicine immediately, yet it didn’t stop my stomachache. The stomachache turned into colic. I’ve never had such painful experience before.
I thought to myself that I would probably die tonight. It was so painful I couldn’t even close my eyes. I felt so helpless and started to cry.
Till 2:30 midnight, I thought I was dying soon. Suddenly a dot light came out from the mirror, and it became bigger and bigger. Few moments later, I realized that it was my twin sister. I was very surprised and relieved. I said to her in Philippine: “Sister, how do you know to come to Taiwan to find me?”
She replied: “I’ve been busy for a few days so the Blessed Virgin Mary speaks to you directly. She’s very busy today therefore she wants me to help you.” “Now you go downstairs and get something to eat. Then you will feel the need to go to toilet. You will feel much better after that.”
“But it’s 2:30am, I’m afraid to go downstairs alone.”, I said.
She replied: “I will go with you.”
At the kitchen, I was getting ready to cook meat dish, but she said: “You must cook vegetarian dish.”
Thinking of cooking vegetarian dish, I became angry and said: “It’s not like you didn’t know that I don’t eat grass.”
“I won’t stay here with you if you’re going to cook meat! You can be here alone. I’m leaving.”
Because I felt frightened alone in the kitchen, I could only listen to her. I said to her with grievance: “OK! I cook vegetarian meal, but please stay with me.”
She asked me to cook two bowls of noodles. I thought she wanted to have some too!
I asked her: “Where do you live now? Doing what?”
She replied: “What I do in Heaven now is the same as what I did in the mortal world. I now live in the mid-Heaven, and act as a staff at the entrance of Heaven. Sometimes I follow alongside Virgin Mary or I save people in the mortal world.”
When the meal is ready, I gave a bowl of noodle to my sister, but she said she’s not hungry. As I was starting to eat, she asked me a funny question. She asked: “What are the Three Treasures?”
Actually my stomach was aching very much, but I couldn’t help laughing after hearing such question. I said to her: “I only received Tao when I come to Taiwan. Yet it’s been many years since you passed away. How did you know I have received Tao?”
She replied: “Because everyone in Heaven has received Tao! After a person receives Tao, his name is registered in Heaven and I’m the person registering their names at the entrance of Heaven! Although I know that people who have received Tao and know about the Three Treasures can go back to Heaven, but I don’t know what the Three Treasures are.”
She went on to say: “Do you know? Now that you’ve received Tao, you should go back to temple for classes, participate in the learning and propagation of Tao truthfully! Don’t just think about dancing all the time.”
I listened to her while eating noodles.
“But it’s very boring! They just keep worshiping, and I don’t understand what they say there.”
「妳不要以為妳已經求道了,就可以回天了,所以就不用修道了。」姐姐說: 「我舉一個例子給妳聽,雖然已經妳求了道,但是,還需要去佛堂學道,妳才會知道道要怎麼修。當有一天,你要入天門時,我要先對你的名字,看你的功過簿,你才能進去喔!曾經有一個人,他求道了,但是,來到我這關的時候,不能進去,他很生氣的問我說:「我不是已經有求道了,為什麼還不能進去?」我就拿了他的功過簿給他看,並且跟他說:『你求了道以後,沒有去佛堂研究道理對不對?』他說:『對啊!當我求道的時候,他們就跟我說,求了道以後就可以回去啊!所以我就不用去佛堂了啊!』我就跟他說:『不是這樣子,你求完道,天上掛號地府抽丁,你的名子已經脫離十殿閻君的掌管,但是,你還要去研究道理,才知道怎麼做啊!』然後,我拿他的功過簿給他看的說:『你看,你求道以後,不但沒有修道辦道,還殺死你太太,強姦你的女兒----。』我把功過簿拿給他看,那個男的看一看就很生氣說:『為什麼求道時,他們都沒有跟我講清楚,說求完道還要學道,害我現在進不去?』我說:『你不能進去,你做了不應該做的事,你做了違反道德的事,即使你求道了還是不能進去,對不起!我不能幫忙你----。』那個男的很生氣,就走了。
“Don’t think you can go back to Heaven without cultivation just because you’ve received Tao”, she said: “I give you an example to show you that you still need to learn to cultivate even after you’ve received Tao. One day, when you enter the door of Heaven, I would check for your name first and your books of merits and demerits. Only then you may pass! Once, there was a person who has received Tao but couldn’t pass when he reaches to the entrance I guard. He asked angrily at me and wondered why he can’t enter after receiving Tao. I showed his book of merits and demerits to him and asked: ‘You didn’t attend classes and continue to learn Tao after receiving Tao, correct?’ He replied: ‘Right! They told me that I can go back to Heaven after receiving Tao, thus I needn't go to temple to attend classes!’ I explained to him: ‘It’s not so. After receiving Tao, your name is removed from hell and registered in Heaven, out of the control of the Ten Yama. Yet you still need to learn Tao to help you cultivate!’ Next, I showed him his book of merits and demerits and said: ‘Look, after you receive Tao, not only have you not cultivated and learnt Tao. You killed your wife and raped your daughter ----.’ He read the book and said angrily: ‘Why didn’t they explain to me clearly that I need to learn Tao after receiving it? How can I enter now?’ I replied: ‘You may not enter. You’ve done something you shouldn’t have done and, you’ve done something against ethics. Even that you’ve received Tao, you can't enter. Sorry! I can't help you ----.’ That man was very angry and then he left.”
My sister continued to say to me: “After you’ve received Tao, you need to learn, cultivate and propagate Tao.” My God! I thought I could go back to Heaven after receiving Tao, but there are so many things to be done after that!
She said: “Yes, receiving Tao ensures you to enter the door of Heaven, but you must accumulate merits and fulfill your great vows.”
“But, they speak Chinese in that temple. They just keep worshiping and I can’t understand a word they say!” Actually I was just finding excuses so that I didn’t have to go.
She said: “You might feel it’s boring initially, but slowly you would understand and then feel interested. Throw away the magazines in your room, and borrow some English Tao books from Chin-Yi to read. Or you can read the Holy Bible. Soon you’ll understand the cultivation of Tao is very important. Just remember to follow Chin-Yi wherever she goes!”
“What if I become a Tao Transmitter after going there for a long period of time?”, I said to my sister.
She smiled and replied: “There’re many people who have not yet received Tao in Philippine. In the future, you must bring this precious Tao back and save the Filipinos.”
Without any choice, I could only nod and say: “Fine!”
This moment, she wanted me to eat the other bowl of noodles. After finishing it, she said: “When you go upstairs, you will feel the need to go to toilet, and you’ll feel better after that.” I really went to toilet as soon as I walked upstairs. I really felt better after that. After returning to my room, she told me how to arrange for the orphans (She said brother will handle them and I can use my income to propagate Tao.) She chatted with me for a while until I fell asleep.
The next day, I ate chicken again, but my stomach began aching immediately and I vomited. My god! How could it be like this? I didn’t believe this was true and tried to eat chicken again. Then I ended up suffering from diarrhea. I thought to myself: “Oh no! It seems that I can’t eat meat anymore.”
Indeed, from that time I can't have meat diet. Sometimes I ate meat stealthily but I always ended up vomiting and suffering from diarrhea. Eventually I had to go on to vegetarian diet completely.
仙女助道 fairies helps Tao
Though I’ve become a vegetarian this doesn’t mean I will cultivate and propagate Tao. Still, I love having fun and dancing. One day, I called a Philippine friend who came to Taiwan to work to ask her out. Her boss who just had quarrels with her husband answered my call and shouted with abuse at me. I felt very angry and complained about this to Tao Transmitter Huang, expecting that she’d agree with me. Unexpectedly, she said to me: “To learn Tao, we must also learn to tolerate, forgive, and condone others. Sometimes they would even misunderstand, slur, and humiliate us. We must bear it and condone others and learn to love them with our merciful hearts ----.”
It made me angrier after listening to what she said and felt that cultivation is a kind of pathwetic, foolish and weak behavior. Others treat you badly and abuse you, but you need to respond nicely and still love them ---. This is too difficult, I can’t do it. I thought over about this and decided that I didn’t want to continue my cultivation because it’s such an unpleasant thing to do. Consequently I returned those English Tao books I borrowed from her and said: “I don't want to cultivate Tao anymore. I can not do it. I can’t retreat from difficulties, have to help others, treat others nicely even when we’re treated badly, and have to forgive them and love them. This is too difficult and I can't do it. I don’t want to do this ---“
I really don’t want to cultivate, or be constrained. Although Virgin Mary and my twin sister have both saved me before and told me that by receiving Tao we can enter the door of Heaven and that cultivation of Tao is a very important thing. But I could only remember what they told me when I am in difficulty. When everything is alright, I forget again. I often feel I’m so unfortunate because there used to be a sister who talked about the Blessed Virgin Mary all the time and always ask me to go to church; now that I meet a Tao Transmitter who talks about Ji-Gong Buddha all the time and asks me to go to temple. I really feel I’m so unlucky.
I’ve been keeping distance from Tao Transmitter Huang so that I don’t need to cultivate Tao. I deliberately had quarrel with her, embarrass her on purpose, make it very difficulty for her and made her very sad and despaired. I didn’t know why I felt good after making her embarrassed and sad. Maybe, that way, she wouldn’t bother me anymore.
It’s no exception today.
I didn’t worship during evening incense offering. Later I heard from her that she kneed down in front Buddhas alone and said to the Enlightening Teacher and Virgin Mary: “Merciful Enlightening Teacher and the Blessed Virgin Mary, disciple I am unable to help Melda. I’m afraid that if she’s impeded, this would affect others who may be impeded to receive Tao. She’s a key to many others, and disciple I don’t know if I can take this responsibility solely. So I beg for the mercy of Virgin Mary and Ji-Gong Buddha to increase my wisdom to help her. She’s decided not to cultivate and propagate Tao, and I’m forced to give up on her too.”
隔天清晨五點多,兩個臉蛋長得很相像的仙女,鼻子高高的,頭髮是金色的,皮膚很白,很像是歐洲人,祂們來到黃點傳師窗前,用英文對她說:「我知道妳很擔心美黛不肯修道,不過,不要擔心,我會幫助妳,把她的心變成白色的。(Don't worry, I will help you to change her heart to become white.)祂們的音調不像是英文母語國家的英文,因此,在窗口像螢幕的下方,還寫著中文字幕的翻譯。黃點傳師很因為太緊張了,把white聽成「壞的」,她趕快說:「啊!她已經不修道了,您們還要把她的心變成壞的?」
Over five o'clock the next morning, there were two fairies who looked very alike, with straight nose, golden hair and white skin, just like Europeans. They came to the window of Tao Transmitter Huang and said to her in English: “I know that you’re worried about Melda that she’s not willing to cultivate Tao. But don’t worry, I’ll help you and change her heart to become white. Their accent doesn’t sound like native English speakers, therefore there’re Chinese subtitles below the window. However, because Tao Transmitter Huang is very nervous, she misunderstood white as “bad” in Chinese. So she quickly replied: “Oh! She already decides not to cultivate Tao. Will You then turn her heart in bad?”
仙女微微笑的跟她說:「No! no! white!」她還用手在胸前比個愛心的手勢。黃點傳師對那仙女說:「她現在睡在我隔壁房間,請您們去告訴她,要她好好修道,我講的話她已經不聽了!」那仙女說:「But,Not this time.」(不是這個時候)。黃點傳師就跟祂們拜託,一定要來成全我。祂們點點頭說:「I will see.」(我們會視情況需要而定。) 祂們講完後本來要走了,其中一個仙女又回頭來交代黃點傳師說:「Don't give up her. (千萬不要放棄她) good-bye!」說完後就走了。
Fairies smiled and said to her: “No! No! White!” and show a love sign with hands in front of chest. Tao Transmitter Huang said to the fairies: “She’s sleeping next to my room. Please tell her to cultivate Tao truthfully because she doesn’t listen to me at all!” The fairies replied: “But, not this time.” Tao Transmitter Huang asked for their favor to help me, and they nodded and said: “I will see.” They were on their way leaving right after the conversation, yet one fairy came back to talk to Tao Transmitter Huang and said: “Don't give up her. Good-bye!” Then they left.
幾天過去了。一天晚上,大約是半夜兩點多,我睡得正甜,突然有人把我的被子掀開,輕輕的把我搖醒,我睜開眼睛一看,嚇了一大跳。怎麼有個陌生人跑到我房間來。當我定睛一看,天啊!是個很漂亮的金髮仙女,祂把我叫醒之後,就去坐在我門邊的那張白色椅子上,講話輕聲細語的,很好聽,很柔和。祂說:「前幾天,我和我的雙胞胎妹妹拜訪過金益了。」當我一聽到金益的名字,我就很煩,所以就跟祂說:「如果妳要說金益的話,那金益現就睡在我隔壁房間,您可以去找她。』那仙女卻說:『妳以為我們很空閒嗎?前幾天我去找金益。她要我們找妳。現在我們來找妳,妳卻要我們去找金益,妳們是在跟我玩遊戲嗎?其實我們很忙呢! 我的雙胞胎妹妹隨著聖母瑪利亞,到人間去救人了,是聖母瑪利亞派我來找妳談一談的。』
Few days has passed. About 2:30 in the morning one night, someone suddenly lifted my blanket and slowly woke me up when I was deeply in sleep. When I opened my eyes I was shocked, there was a stranger in my room. But when I fix my eyes upon her, oh my god, she is a beautiful blond fairy. After she woke me up, she went to sat on the white chair next to the door, she speak softly and gently and was so pleasant to listen to her. She said: 「I have visited Jin Yi with my twin sister a few days ago」. I was quite annoyed when I heard Jin Yi's name was mentioned. So I said to her:「if you want to talk about Jin Yi, she is sleeping next door and you can go visit her」. But the fairy said: 「you think we have a lot of free time? I went to see Jin Yi a few days ago; she wanted us to come to see you. But now you ask us to see Jin Yi. Are you two playing games with me? In fact we are very busy!My twin sister followed Virgin Mary to save human's lives in the mortal world. In fact, it is Virgin Mary.who asked me to come to speak to you.」
我看到那仙女很認真的樣子,我也跟著認真起來了。祂說: 「金益是妳的貴人,妳要聽她的話,不可以生她的氣,當妳有難困難的時候,她都會在妳身邊幫助妳。妳要跟著她好好學道、修道、辦道。」我點點頭,答應祂。最後,在祂要離開的時候,我邀請祂說:「再過幾天就是聖誕節了,我們佛堂有辦道,也有聖誕晚會。我想邀請聖母瑪利亞、您、您的雙胞胎妹妹、還有我的姐姐一起來參加晚會,並且,現身給大家看。他們看到您們以後,就會相信我說的話了。不然,他們都沒看過您們,他們會認為我胡說八道。」
I saw the fairy appeared to be earnest; I also followed her to be earnest. She said: 「Jin Yi is a woman of your eminence, you have to listen to her, you should not angry at her. She will always by your side to help you when you face difficulties. You have to follow her to learn Tao, cultivate Tao and propagate Tao.」 I nodded and promised her. Lastly, before she is leaving, I invited her :「it is Christmas in a few days time, our temple is preparing for Tao ceremony and also a Christmas party. I would like to invite Virgin Mary. , you, your twin sister and my sister to the party and you can show them yourselves. After they saw you, they will believe me otherwise if they didn't see you they will think I am talking nonsense」.
但是仙女說:『妳每次都是要求不可能的事情,每個人有每個人的因緣,我們不能這樣做的,而且我們很忙,聖母瑪莉亞,妳姊姊也都很忙,我們沒有時間,妳看佛堂有什麼活動,就要去參加,不要一直想叫我們做些不可能的事情,懂不懂?』我說:『喔!我懂!』講完以後,她就走了。 從那天以後,我就跟黃點傳師說我要學道了。
But the fairy said:「you have always requested for impossible event, everyone have their own causes, we can't do that. And we are also very busy, Virgin Mary. your sister is also busy, we don't have time. You have to join every activity at the temple, don't just want us to do something impossible, do you understand?」 I said: 「oh! I understand」she left after I said it. Ever since that day, I said to Tao transmitting master Huang that I want to learn Tao.
願做天使 Wish to become an angel
At Christmas Eve, our temple have a Tao ceremony, there are so many people join us. Oh! I am so happy, after the ceremony, a few seniors in the temple accompany me for singing and dancing until dawn. I went to the Tao seminar next and I was so tired. Tao seminar is held at Pu Ti Temple for two days (25/26 December 1994). I sat at the back of the room with Tao transmitting master Huang. During the seminar, no one knows I am a foreigner and Tao transmitting master Huang translate the classes for me.
可是,我實在聽不下去,很想睡覺。到最後老師來的時候,黃點傳師跟我說:「老師來了喔!」 我睜開眼睛一看,原來是個小女孩在說話,我就說:「喔!那個喔!那是一個女孩子在演戲的啦!」
However, I felt so sleepy, I really can't listen anymore. At last when our enlighten teacher came, Tao transmitting master Huang told me 「teacher is here」. I opened my eyes and there is only a little girl speaking and I said:「oh! That one! That is just a little girl performing」.
我不相信,繼續睡。等到最後老師說:「我現在要叫一個人起來講話,這個人的名字筆劃很多,最後一個字叫『黛』,坐在很後面,從很遠的地方來。」 喔!聽到這樣以後,我很緊張,嚇了一跳,我說:「哎呀!原來這不是小女孩在演戲!真的是仙佛呢! 」老師慈示了一段寓意深遠的話勉勵我:
I kept sleeping because I don't believe at what I saw. At the end enlighten teacher said :「I am now going to ask someone to stand up and speak, this person's name is very long and the last word is Dai. She is sitting at the back and comes from a place that is far away.」Oh! After hearing these, I am so nervous and surprised. I said:「oh, it is not an act by a little girl, it is Buddha」. Enlighten teacher kindly encouraged me with a message which has a deep and implied meanings.
「although this affinity come from a long way, wish your sincere heart will cherish hereafter, no matter it is bumpy or rough or it is in the same direction or going against, use your own confident and never be dispirited. Affirm your own dreams and ambition, start taking your steps and march forward courageously, believe the ultimate success belongs to you. Although there is limitation in life, hard accomplish wishes, but as long as my disciple believes, teacher I am going to support you all the way. Understand and believe the truth and the direction of your target should be paradise heaven」.
喔!我實在很感動。我決定明天還要再來。第二天,我充滿了精神。兩天法會開完後,當天晚上,睡覺的時候,好多有翅膀的天使來找我玩,來恭禧我,祂們頭上有光,祂們對我說: 「禧恭妳開完法會了!現在,妳可以穿這一件衣服了。」我一看,那是修女穿的衣服,我就哭了。我不要穿,因為,穿上那件衣服就不可以結婚了。看我哭,那天使也跟著哭了說:『為什麼不要呢?』我說:『我不要當修女,我可以修道、辦道,但是,不要叫我穿那個衣服啦!』」後來,天使偶爾會來陪我玩。有一回,天使教我說:「 Peace of your mind. (心要平靜)」我問天使說:「天使,為什麼你都可以飛?為什麼我不能飛?」天使看著我說:「妳太重了啦!」從那之後,天使有時會來陪我玩。我希望有一天自己也能變成個天使。
Oh! This really touched my heart. I decided I am going to come again tomorrow. In second day, I am so energetic. After the two day Tao seminar had finished, there are many angels with wings come to play with me while I am sleeping. They all congratulate me and I saw they all have aureole on their head. They said to me:「congratulation you have finished your two day Tao seminar! Now you can wear this clothes.」 I start crying when I saw the clothes because it is a dress for nun. I don't want to wear it because if I wear it I will not able to get married. When the angels saw me crying they also start crying and asked:「Why not?」. I said:「I don't want to be a nun, I can cultivate Tao and propagate Tao, but don't ask me to wear that clothes!」. Later on, angels come to play with from time to time. One time the angel taught me to say:「Peace of your mind」. I asked the angel:「angel how come you can fly? Why can't I fly?」. The angel said: 「you are too heavy!」. After that time, angels come to play with me from time to time. I wish to be an angel one day .
修辦路上多考驗 There are many tests during cultivating and propagating Tao
On 10 June 1995, the fairy came to visit me again and encouraged me. She also urged me :「there are many tests during cultivating and propagating Tao, and now the test have started. No matter how much test you are going to get from now on, you have to confront them with brave and staunch. Put down all the worries and anger in your heart, and never fall back. Also don't worry too much, Jin Yi will always support you and guide you towards the path of staunch, good luck to you!」.
Later on, as expected, there are so many test and difficulties during cultivating and propagating Tao. When I move back to my home country after finished my job in Taiwan, I faced my mother passed away and my father got married again soon. Then my brothers and sisters all got married and I become so lonely. Although I know Tao is very good, but after all this family change I become depressed and dispirited. I did not contact to Tao transmitting master Huang always between those years.
My stubborn nature is still very strong and Tao transmitting master Huang seems to want to give up on me. And I, after seen my brothers and sisters all have their own family, I also want to get married and have a family of my own. With regards to learning and propagating Tao, I feel it is so far away from me.
但是,雖然我想結婚,我覺得有一股力量在阻止著我,不讓我結婚。 2002年5月15日的晚上,我睡覺的時候,我的雙胞胎姐姐來找我。她對我說: 『我很想求道,我只要求了道就可以進理天的門了。我現只等著妳行功立德,沾妳的光,我才能夠求道。好好的學道修道辦道,繼續修道辦道,這樣,妳就可以幫助,讓我求道進入理天了。』
Even though I really want to get married, but I felt there seems to be a force that trying to stop me getting married. On the night of 15 May 2002, my twin sister came to see me when I was sleeping. She said to me:「I really want to receive Tao, after I receive Tao I can go into the door of paradise heaven. I am now waiting for you to accumulate some merits and virtues, so I can benefit from it and then I would be able to receive Tao. Put good effort into learning, cultivating and propagating Tao, and keep cultivating and propagating Tao then you can help me and let me receive Tao and go to paradise heaven.
I sincerely thank Heavenly mercy and Teachers' Virtue. Lastly, I faithfully remind everyone here, this path is absolutely true, teacher's heavenly mandate is real, senior' elder (Qian Ren) heavenly mandate is real. Never have any doubts, and don't think it is only a child's play. If you have doubt, and hesitate to move forward, then your self will be the biggest loser. Sincerely wish your journey of life is smooth and wish all the best in cultivating and propagating Tao.